Lean Initiative

Operational Excellence

Lean Initiative

We have a continuous improvement commitment throughout the engineering/design phases and bring options to drive costs out of a project.  We accomplish this through a variety of methods including early engagement, robotic handling, automated packaging, and balancing the assembly line to takt time.  This continuous improvement mindset doesn’t stop there; it is reiterated in all areas of the business.  This is why we created an operational excellence mission statement:

  • Create a problem-solving culture while leveraging company core values by empowering all employees to utilize their unique value.  Lean is our foundation for the way we conduct business.

Some of our operational excellence initiatives include:

  • Empowering all employees to actively participate in ideas for improvement through our Idea Generation process
  • Managing through various tools including Leader Standard Work, Visual Management, and Quality-at-the-Source while demonstrating an agile/collaborative communication process during each shift and at all shift changes.
  • Utilizing Kaizen events for continuous improvement opportunities on existing processes/procedures and we welcome customer involvement in these events
  • 6S
  • 8 Deadly Wastes
  • Stand up meetings/visual boards (Idea Generation, Site Level, Process Level, 6S, Op Ex Steering Team, Crash the Meeting)